Data Transparency: Concerns and Prospects

[What follows is a preview of an opinion note to appear in the Nov. 2018 issue of Proceedings of IEEE (original article here). Many thanks to all the people that read early drafts and provided feedback and corrections.]


The question of “how far?” should technologies and business models of the web go into collecting personal data of unassuming, or at best moderately informed citizens, appears to be one of the timeliest questions of our times. Indeed, whenever we read a news article, “like” a page on a social network, or “check in” to a popular spot, our digital trace collected, processed, fused, and traded among myriads of tracking, analytics, advertising, and marketing companies becomes an ever more accurate descriptor of our lives, our beliefs, our desires, our likes and dislikes. The resulting revenue from marketing & advertising activities driven by the digital traces of millions of people is what funds the free online services we have come to rely upon.   

In this opinion note, I will lay down my thoughts around Data Transparency and its role in ongoing Data Protection & Privacy debates. The material draws upon my experiences from conducting research in the area over the last 6+ years, running the Data Transparency Lab’s Grant Program in 2015, 2016, and 2017, and attending several computer science, policy, marketing & advertising events. The objective of the note is to discuss the possibility and the likelihood of data transparency acting as an important positive catalyser of data protection problems, as well as to point towards concerns and challenges to be addressed in order for this to materialize. Most of the discussion applies to the use of personal data by marketers on the fixed and mobile web, but some parts may also be relevant to other online and offline use-cases and/or types of data (e.g., off-web health and financial data).    

For years, the practice of collecting data on individuals at unprecedented scale was a non-issue for most people, for the simple reason that the public, and even governments, were just unaware of its magnitude, precision, and detail. The last few years, however, attitudes have started to change and the topic of privacy is increasingly appearing in the media and public discussions. This has stirred a huge public debate about who should be the rightful owner of personal data, and where to draw the red line of what is socially acceptable to track and monetize, and what is not. Indeed, the same tracking technology of cookies and tracking pixels used to detect one’s intention for buying new running sneakers, thus prompting an interesting discount at a nearby shop, can also be used to infer one’s medical condition, political affiliation, or sexual preference, thus delivering offers at the wrong time and place, or even worse, releasing the information to third parties that may use it in a discriminatory, excluding, or generally unfair manner. The former use of data has the potential to increase value for individuals, retailers, technology providers and the society, whereas the latter can be detrimental to the trust put by individuals and institutions in technology.         

Tragedy of the Commons and the Web

What is particularly alarming is that the economics and incentives of exploiting personal data for advertising and marketing have all the characteristics of a “Tragedy of the Commons” (see Hardin [1]), in which consumer privacy and trust in the web and its business models are a shared commons that can be over-harvested to the point of destruction. The essence of the problem is that even if most technology companies manage to agree on a set of principles, there will always be sufficient temptation for some to push the boundaries in pursuit of greater gains, while inflicting a heavy cost to society. Indeed, from the narrow perspective of some companies, all it takes to pursue a business that involves intrusive and unethical collection of very sensitive personal data, is a paying customer. The above seems to be verified by examples appearing in the press of trackers that compile lists of anything from suspected alcoholics and HIV positive individuals, to active police-officers [13].

In essence, the narrow self-interest of a subset of data collection companies is eroding a valuable commons — the trust put by people in the web, or inversely their hope that nothing bad will happen to them by being carefree online. If, in the minds of citizens, ordering a drug online is associated with the risk of leaking medical info to health insurance companies, then they may very well abandon the web and just walk to a pharmacy. This means that the web, as big and successful as it is presently, is not invincible. It too can fall from grace like newspapers and broadcast-TV have in the past, albeit for other reasons. Loss of public trust appears to be the Achilles’ heel of the web and is being fuelled by questionable practices from large and small companies alike.

The Role of Transparency in Data Protection Debates

Transparency is often heard in debates about governance, business, science, and matters of public life in general. According to Wikipedia, transparency is about: “operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed. Transparency implies openness, communication, and accountability”. Transparency, in its different applications and contexts, largely embodies the famous quote of American Supreme Court justice Louis Brandeis that “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants”.

In the context of data protection and privacy of online services, transparency can be understood as the ability to credibly answer questions such as:

  • What information is being collected (stored, and processed) about individuals online?
  • Who is collecting it?
  • How is it being collected?
  • How is it being used?
  • Is it leaking to other unintended recipients?
  • What are the consequences of such online leakage of private information?  

Information leakage is a natural phenomenon in both the offline and online life. In the offline world, whenever we walk on a street or are seen at a public place, we are effectively giving up on our so called “location privacy”. Our clothes, hobbies, the car we may drive or the house where we live convey information about our financial status, employment, and taste. Similarly, in the online world, networks need to know where we are in order to deliver our calls, emails, or chat requests. Social networks need to display our real names so that our offline friends can also befriend us online. The above realizations give rise to a simple alternative to trying to unknot the “utility-vs.-privacy” tradeoff. Since we cannot stop all online leakage under the current technological paradigm, nor prescribe a generic, context unaware solution to the tradeoff, we can instead try to reduce information leakage, while keeping an eye open for controversial practices driven by collecting personal data that go against public sentiment or the letter of the law. Such an objective can be achieved on top of existing web technologies and business models without requiring some radical redesign. Transparency is the guiding light pointing to problematic technologies and business practices that will require revision, if we are to keep a safe distance from a tragedy of the commons on the web.

Transparency has already proved its worth in what is probably the greatest techno-policy debate preceding data protection — the Network Neutrality debate. Network neutrality is the simple principle, now turned into regulation and telecommunications law, that a network operator cannot delay or drop one type of traffic from a certain application in order to protect or expedite the rest. Almost a decade ago, the Network Neutrality debate was ignited by reports that some telecom companies were using Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) equipment to delay or block certain types of traffic, such as peer-to-peer (P2P) traffic from BitTorrent and other protocols. Unnoticed initially among scores of public statements and discussions, a group of computer scientists from Germany developed Glasnost [2] a set of tools for checking whether a broadband connection was being subjected to P2P blocking. All a user had to do to check whether their ISP was blocking BitTorrent was to visit a web-page and click on a button that launched a series of simple tests — basically streaming two flows of data towards the user, one appearing to be P2P and one not. By comparing the corresponding reception data rates for the two flows the tool could say if P2P was throttled… voila anyone could check for themselves if their provider blocked P2P traffic or delivered the advertised speed of their plan. The existence of such easy-to-use tools created the right incentives that eventually obliged telecom companies to give up blocking or be open about it, and to indeed deliver the promised data rates.

The above network speed measurement tools are early examples of what I will henceforth call Transparency Software, to refer to any software purposefully built for providing transparency and for “shedding light” into public debates involving technology. An important idea, and frankly raison d’être for transparency software, is that complex technology can only be tamed by other, equally advanced, technology. Indeed, investigating complex data protection debates without specialized software for collecting evidence and testing hypotheses is like conducting pre-flight tests or periodic car inspections without specialized equipment that can test all the complex components of an airplane or modern car. In all these domains, there exist entire fields dedicated to developing formal methods for testing and verification. In the same way that air transportation, the car industry, health, and other domains have benefited from purpose-built testing tools, online data protection needs to develop its transparency methods and software.   

Although the present article is not meant to be a complete survey, in the remainder I will discuss several examples of transparency software for things like: revealing in real time instances of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) leakage, detecting online price discrimination, detecting online targeted advertising, detecting advanced online tracking through fingerprinting, and others.   

Transparency for Whom?

Figure 1: The role of transparency in the context of the greater data protection debate.

Figure 1 illustrates at the topmost level how and where Transparency plugs into the general data protection debate. Assuming that some use of personal data for online marketing in exchange for free service is deemed acceptable, and that the Tragedy of the Commons is not something we should leave to luck, the figure suggests that transparency can be beneficial for all three main stakeholders of the data protection discussion. Transparency should not be seen as an alternative to existing efforts of these stakeholders, but as an extra tool at their disposal.

For the online tracking & advertising industry, Transparency is essential to its efforts to convince government and citizens that it can effectively self-police and self-regulate the sector, making sure that individual companies do not perform actions that go against the public sentiment, or worse, data protection laws. The various Codes of Conduct, and Best Practices documents issued by sector representative bodies and organizations make lots of use of the term transparency, but they often get criticized as being mere intentions without any real means for enforcement and actual demonstration of commitment and application. This is where Transparency Software can play a key role, by allowing anyone to independently check that companies make good on their promises. A smartphone app that commits to not communicate PII back to its servers or other third parties can be checked by software such as ReCon [3], Lumen [4], and AntMonitor [5]. A web-site and its advertising partners that commit to not targeting minors can point users to Aditaur [6], a tool which anyone can use to verify the claim. In essence, the existence of such software allows the sector to make more credible and verifiable promises regarding its ability to self-regulate its data treatment practices.        

For individual citizens, transparency is all about empowerment and freedom of choice. For every basic online service there is typically a magnitude of alternative service providers offering it, each one with a potentially different approach and sensitivity towards data collection. Users are accustomed to rating online services in terms of performance, simplicity, feature richness, but gauging the quality of data management practices has for the most part been out of reach. Being able to evaluate the quality over privacy-risk ratio of different services empowers users to select the one providing the right balance. For example, PrivacyMeter [7] can display in real time a risk score for every web-site visited by a user. If a user deems the risk of visiting, say, a news portal to be too high, they can opt for an alternative one with similar content but better performance in terms of privacy. By doing so, users emit clear signals to the industry and contribute through market pressure to pushing it towards the right direction.    

Last but not least, government agencies, especially Data Protection Authorities (DPA), need transparency for both their proactive monitoring activities, as well as their investigative activities following complaints from citizens, watchdog groups, or other companies. Transparency software can help DPAs scale up their investigations and even pro-actively monitor for offending practices, something that does not appear to be possible via ad hoc manual investigations. For example, with AppCensus [8], entire marketplaces of mobile apps can be checked for leakage of PII information, by automatically analysing their binary executable distributions. Similarly, WebCensus [9] allows monitoring millions of domains every month to catalogue and rank their tracking practices. With Aditaur, DPAs can proactively check at scale thousands of popular domains for targeted advertising towards sensitive groups like children, or driven by sensitive personal data about health, political, or sexual orientation that are protected under EU’s GDPR law.     

Transparency of What?

As mentioned before, some perceive data protection as the challenge of understanding and limiting the amount of personal information that can be leaked and collected online. Although this has an importance of its own, for others the main motivation and driver for discussing data protection matters is understanding and limiting the consequences of personal data leakage. Transparency is important and can help at both levels of the debate. Data transparency and corresponding tools like ReCon, Lumen, and AntMonitor are about revealing what data is leaking and where it is going. Algorithmic transparency on the other hand is looking at how personal data can end up fuelling biased, discriminatory, and generally unfair automated decision making that impacts the life of real people. For example, the Price $heriff [10] reveals whether a consumer searching for a product online is being subjected to online price discrimination by algorithms that decide on the spot a dynamic price for each customer based on their perceived willingness to pay, extracted from information about them. FDVT [11] measures in real time the different economic valuation that Facebook advertisers have about different users, by tallying up their advertisement bids for product placements. Algorithmic transparency, of course, goes beyond the online services mentioned above, and can be applied to a range of offline contexts from health, to finance, to justice, but such areas and applications go beyond the scope of the current note.          


Next, I discuss some of the hard challenges that need to be addressed if transparency is to make a positive dent upon privacy problems on the web.

Crowdsourcing Privacy Related Data

Several of the tools mentioned above are crowdsourced in nature, i.e., they rely on real users sharing their observations, in order to reverse engineer some aspect of an online service. eyeWnder [12], for example, relies on users reporting the advertisements seen on different pages in order to construct a crowdsourced database through which one can identify active advertising campaigns and the demographics of users targeted by them. Similarly, the Price $heriff relies on users reporting the price they see for the same product at the same site to detect instances of online price discrimination. Both tools use specialized encryption and anonymization techniques to protect the privacy of users that report back to the database the ads or the prices they’ve seen. Crowdsourcing is a powerful tool for detecting different types of discrimination and bias, but requires having in place a solution for protecting the privacy of users that contribute to the crowdsourced corpus of data. The above two tools use ad hoc techniques tailored to their specific function, but there is a clear need for developing more generic privacy-preserving crowdsourcing techniques and platforms that will make it easier to develop additional transparency tools for other problems.    

Evaluation criteria / Reproducibility / Correctness

The appearance of several transparency tools in the last 2-3 years (of which I have touched only upon a small subset) is testament to the very significant amount of work that has been done in the area during a rather short amount of time. Still, the area is only in its infancy and thereby important requisites for growth and eventual maturity are yet to be fulfilled. One of them is establishing common criteria and metrics upon which different transparency tools looking into the same task will be compared. Having the ability to directly compare different approaches is fundamental for the evolution of the area, the validity, and the correctness of the findings. In the same spirit, the findings of a tool need to be reproducible. This is difficult to achieve when the tool operates in the wild. eyeWnder, for example, can label an ad banner as targeted today but it might be impossible to reproduce the result after a week since the underlying advertising campaign may no longer exist, or may have changed its target audience. Reproducibility goes hand in hand with the ability to compile extensive crowdsourced datasets on privacy matters upon which the reproducibility of a tool can be checked or its performance compared with alternative approaches on the same problem.  

Bootstrapping / UX challenges / Outreach

Both privacy-preserving crowdsourcing, as well as the establishment of common evaluation criteria, are technical problems and, as such, something that a technical community of computer scientists and engineers knows how to handle. A different type of challenge for the area is finding enough users for these tools. For tools that are crowdsourced in nature, establishing an initial user base is a fundamental prerequisite for allowing them to derive credible and useful findings. Even for tools that can work by collecting data without user input (e.g., through crawling and scraping of information), having a user base outside research is largely a measure of true impact and success. To get there, we need to work on improving the usability aspects of such tools and adapting them to the needs and capacities of non-expert users. We also need to work on disseminating them and putting them in front of end users.


With the above, I hope I have convinced you that transparency can have an important role and contribution in contemporary data protection debates. In my mind, a very important first milestone is making sure that the online world is at least as transparent as the offline world. This may seem uninspiring on the surface, but it is actually a very difficult objective in practice. The scale of data collection online is at a totally different level from that offline. Rules and regulations are established for many offline activities, from credit rating, to equality of access to public services, whereas the online equivalents are left to chance. Finally, many transparency aspects that we take for granted in the offline world, are hard to achieve online. Take price discrimination as an example. Two customers walking to a coffee shop see the same price for “cafe latte” written on the wall. If the clerk charges one of them a different price, questions will immediately follow. In the online world, the two customers can order the same coffee at the same time and pay a totally different price without any of them ever realising. This is because in the online realm, the “world” around us is dynamically generated, thereby, we do not even have the benefit of a common reference. Checking for being “followed” or discriminated is more difficult online than offline. Of course, this is just under the current state of affairs. The same technology used for surveilling or discriminating at scale, can be flipped on its head, and used instead for shedding light and providing transparency at scale. This means that an online world that is safer and fairer than the offline one, is an open possibility that we should consider and pursue.


[1] G. Hardin, “The Tragedy of the Commons,” Science, Vol. 162, Issue 3859, pp.1243-1248, Dec. 1968.

[2] Glasnost:

[3] Recon:

[4] Lumen:

[5] AntMonitor:

[6] Aditaur:

[7] PrivacyMeter:

[8] AppCensus:

[9] WebCensus:

[10] Price $heriff:

[11] FDVT:

[12] eyeWnder:






Myth-busting: Most tracking flows on European citizens DO NOT terminate outside EU28 GDPR borders

In our latest measurement study we use data from 350 volunteers combined with aggregate network logs from 60M ISP subscribers to show that around 90% of tracking flows originating within Europe also terminate within Europe.

This of course does not preclude that the collected data is not subsequently moved elsewhere but at least we know that the tracking end points are more frequently than not within reach of European Data Protection Authorities.

An optimistic result contrasting prior belief that tracking flows went straight out of Europe. For more details check:

C. Iordanou, G. Smaragdakis, I. Poese, N. Laoutaris, “Tracing Cross Border Web Tracking,” ACM IMC’18. [pdf]

DTL Award Grants’17 announced!

Proud to announce the DTL Award Grant winners for 2017. Our latest batch of funded projects covers new and upcoming areas in data transparency such as: Detection of Algorithmic Bias, Location Privacy, Privacy in Home IoT Devices, Online-Offline Data Fusion, and others. Full list here.

Congratulations to the winners and a big thanks to everyone that participated in the program.

10 thoughts that stuck with me after attending a data protection event almost every month for the last two years

1. Privacy is not hype.

The uncontrolled erosion of privacy is not a “victimless crime”. The cost is just shifted to the future. Could be paid tomorrow — an offending ad — or in a few years — a record of your assumed health status leaking to an insurance company.

2. People don’t currently care much about it but this can change fast.

Indeed people don’t seem to care that much right now, certainly not enough to give up any of the conveniences of the web. But nothing about it is written on stone. Some other things that people didn’t use to care about: smoking, car safety, airport security, dangerous toys, racial or sexual discrimination. Societies evolve … privacy discussions and debates have started reaching the wider public.

3. Privacy problems will only get worse.

Privacy vs. web business models is a textbook example of a Tragedy of the Commons. The financial temptation is just too great to be ignored, especially by companies that have nothing to risk or loose. Just find a niche for data that somebody would be willing to pay good money and go for it. Even if all the big companies play totally by the book, there’s still a long tail of thousands of medium to small trackers/data aggregators that can destroy consumer and regulator trust.

4. The web can actually break due to (lack of) privacy.

The web as big and successful as it is, is not indestructible. It too can fall from grace. Other media that once were king are no longer. News papers and TV are nowhere near their prior glory. Loss of trust is the Achilles’ heel of the web.

5. Privacy extremism or wishful thinking are not doing anybody any good.

Extremists at both sides of the spectrum are not doing anybody any good. Stopping all leakage is both impossible and unnecessary. Similarly, believing that the market will magically find its way without any special effort or care is wishful thinking. There are complex tradeoffs in the area to be confronted. That’s fine and nothing new really. Our societies have dealt with similar situations again and again in the past. From financial systems, to transportation, and medicine, there are always practical solutions for maximizing the societal benefits while minimising the risks for individuals. They just take time and effort before they can be reached with lots of trial and error along the way.

6. Complex technology can only be tamed by other, equally advanced, technology.

Regulation and self-regulation have a critical role in the area but are effectively helpless without specialised technology for auditing and testing for compliance, whether pro-actively or reactively. Have you lately taken your car to service? What did you see? A mechanic nowadays is merely connecting a computer to another that checks it by running a barrage of tests. Then he analyses and interpretes the results. A doctor is doing a similar thing but for humans. If the modern mechanic and doctor depend on technology for their daily job, why should a lawyer or a judge be left alone to make sense of privacy and data protection on the internet only with paper and a briefcase at hand?

7. Transparency software is the catalyst for trusting again the web.

Transparency software is the catalyser that can empower regulators and DPAs while creating the right incentives and market pressures to expedite the market convergence to a win-win state for all. But hold on a second … What is this “Transparency software”? Well it’s just what its name suggest. Simple to use software for checking (aha “transparency”) for information uses that users or regulators dont like. You know things like targeting minors online, targeting ads to patients, making arbitrary assumptions about one’s political, religious beliefs, or sexual preference.

A simple but fundamental idea here is that since it is virtually impossible to stop all information leakage (this would break the web faster than privacy), we can try to reduce it and then keep an open eye for controversial practices. A second important idea is to resist the temptation of finding holistic solutions and instead start working on specific data protection problems in given contexts. Context can improve many of our discussions and lead to tangible results faster and easier. If such tangible results don’t start showing up in the foreseeable future its only natural to expect that everyone will eventually be exhausted and give up the whole privacy and data protection matter altogether. Therefore why dont we start interleaving in our abstract discussions some more grounded ones. Pick up one application/service at a time, see what (if anything) is annoying people about it, and fix it. Solving specific issues in specific contexts is not as glamorous as magic general solutions but guess what — we can solve PII leakage issues in a specific website in a matter of hours and we can come up with tools to detect PII leakages in six months to a year, whereas coming up with a general purpose solution for all matters of privacy may take too long.

8. Transparency works. Ask the telcos about Network Neutrality.

Transparency has in the past proved to be quite effective. Indeed, almost a decade ago the Network Neutrality debate was ignited by reports that some Telcos were using Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) equipment to delay or block certain types of traffic, such as peer-to-peer (P2P) traffic from BitTorrent and other protocols. Unnoticed among scores of public statements and discussions, groups of computer scientists started building simple to use tools to check whether a broadband connection was being subjected to P2P blocking. Similarly, tools were built to test whether a broadband connection matched the advertised speed. All a user had to do to check whether his ISP was blocking BitTorrent was to visit a site and click on a button that launches a series of test and … voila. Verifying actual broadband speeds was made equally simple. The existence of such easy to use tools seems to have created the right incentives for Telcos to avoid blocking while making sure they deliver on speed promises.

9. Market, self-regulation, and regulation, in that order.

Most of the work for fixing data protection problems should be undertaken by the market. Regulators should alway be there to raise the bottom line and scare the bad guys. Independent audit makes sure self regulation is effective. It gives it more credibility since it can be checked by independent parties that it delivers on its promises.

10. The tools are not going to build themselves. Get busy!

Building the tools is not easy. Are we prepared? Do we have enough people with the necessary skills to build such tools? Questionable. Our $heriff tool for detecting online price discrimination took more than 2 years and very hard work from some very talented and committed PhD students and researchers. Similarly for our new eyeWnder tool for detecting behavioural targeting. Luckily the Data Transparency Lab community of builders is growing fast. Keep an eye for our forthcoming call for proposals and submit your ideas.

Thoughts on reviewing and selection committees


At last, after a very intense month of running DTL Award Grants’16 I can sit back on the balcony, have a coffee, and relax without getting Comment Notifications from HotCRP, or urgent emails every 2 mins from my super-human co-chair Dr Balachander Krishnamurthy (aka bala ==> spanish translation ==> bullet … not a coincidence if you ask me or if you ‘ve been in my shoes).

We’ve selected 6 wonderful groups to fund for this year, the work is done, the notifications have been sent, and the list of winners in already online.

So what am I doing writing about DTL Grants on my first calm Saturday morning after a month? Well, I guess I cannot disconnect yet. But there’s more to it. Having done this for a second year in a row I am starting to see things that were not apparent before, despite the numerous committees on which I have served in the past. So I guess this is a log of things that I have learned in these two years. In no particular order:

Selection CAN be lean and fast

We asked applicants to describe their idea for transparency software in 3 pages. We asked each TPC member to review 9 submissions. Given the length of proposal we estimated this to be a day’s worth of work. Additional time was set aside for online discussions but this again lasted only 4 days, while the final TPC phone meeting (no need to fly to the other side of the world) lasted ** exactly ** 1 hour. Last but not least, we announced the winners 5 weeks after receiving the submissions.

Why and What vs. How

Anyone having some experience with either paper selection (sigcomm etc) or grant selection (H2020, FP7, etc) committee work surely understands that the above numbers are far from usual. The load we put on both the applicants and the committee was modest and we returned the results in record time. Assuming that the produced result is of high quality (it is, but I’ll come to this next) the natural question is “what’s the trick?”.

Well if you haven’t already noticed, the answer in on the heading above and in bold. We focused on the “Why” and the “What” instead of the “How”. Technical people love the How. It’s what got them their PhD and professional recognition and what they actually love doing and are great at — finding smart solutions to difficult problems. But the mission on the committee was not to have in-depth How-discussions. We do that all the time and in various contexts. What we wanted was to hear from the community about important problems on the intersection between transparency/privacy/discrimination (the Why) and ideas about new software to address those problems (the What). The How would be nice to know in detail but this would come at a high cost in terms of workload for both the applicants and the committee. And remember we wanted to run a lean and fast process. So we set the bar low on How. You just needed to show that it is doable and that you have the skills to do it and we would trust that you know How.

Good enough vs. perfect rank

Ok lets be clear about this — our ranking is NOT perfect. There are several reasons for this, including: we cannot define perfect, even if we could, probably we would be fooling ourselves with the definition, we cannot understand perfect, we don’t have enough time or energy for perfect, we are not perfect ourselves and last but not least … we don’t need perfect. Yes we don’t need perfect because our job is not to bring perfection and justice in an other wise imperfect and unjust world. This is not what we set out to do.

What we set out to do is to find proposals addressing interesting transparency problems and maximise the probability that they may actually deliver some useful software in the end. This means that our realistic objective was to select ** good enough proposals **. Thus our biggest priority was to quickly identify proposals that did not target an interesting enough problem or that failed to convince that they would deliver useful software. Notice here, that most proposal that failed on the latter, did so because they didn’t even bother to explain the “What?”. In no case that I remember there was a rejection due to “How?” but there were several because it was not clear what would be delivered in the end.

Having filtered those, we were left with several good enough proposals. From there to final acceptance little things could make a big difference in terms of outcome. Things like “has this already been funded?”, “would I install/use this software?”, “is this better for a scientific paper instead of a Grant?”, “is this something that would appeal to non-researchers?”. We did our best to make the right calls but there should be no doubt that the process is imperfect. Given our objectives however: 1) good enough vs. perfect, and 2) lean vs. heavy I believe we have remained truthful to our principles.

I’ll stop here by thanking once more all the applicants, the committee, Bala, and the board for all their hard work.

This has been fun and I am very optimistic that it will also be useful.

See you next year.


DTL Award Grants’16 notifications sent

We are done!

6 great new proposals selected to receive funding this years. List and details coming online at the Data Transparency Lab web site in the coming days.

Congratulations to the winning proposals and and a big thanks to all applicants, the selection committee, my co-chair Dr Balachander Krishnamurthy and the members of DTL’s board.

New transparency software on its way!


54 proposals in DTL Award Grants’16

This past weekend marked the deadline for submitting proposals for the second DTL Award Grants. We received 54 proposal in total — US (19), EU (23), Asia/Oceania (3), and joint teams (9). Time for the committee to get busy in selecting the best ones. More great transparency software on its way to complement our first batch from last year.